Spicy Italian Tomato Soup


Selection of Tomatoes


Fresh Chillies



Vegetable Stock



Extra virgin Olive Oil


First, pre heat your oven to 180 degrees.

Take your Tomatoes and pop them into a baking try, we want about 500g of various different Tomatoes.

Next, throw in between 3 and 5 red Chillies (remove the seeds if you don’t want to much heat).

Take the Shallots, peel and cut in half, and pop them into the baking try.

Then, take a bulb of Garlic, slice off the top so you can see the cloves inside, but leave in the skin.

Place the Garlic into the baking try and drizzle in Olive Oil.

Season, and massage the Veg, coating it in the Oil and seasoning.

Place the baking tray into the oven and roast for around 35 minutes.

We want the Tomatoes to have broken down, the Chillies will have blistered and the Shallots will be beautifully roasted and browned.

Remove the Tray from the oven, squeeze the Garlic out of the skin and remove any Tomato vines.

Pour the roasted Veg into a saucepan or Dutch oven, add a handful of fresh Basil, a drizzle of extra virgin Olive Oil and blitz with a hand blender until smooth.

Taste for seasoning and add any more Salt you need, then leave the Soup on a low heat to very gently simmer for 10 minutes while we prepare the Ciabatta.

Take the Ciabattas and cut them in half.

next, cut a clove of Garlic in half, rub it over the Bread and drizzle in Olive Oil.

Place the Ciabatta under a grill.

Once the Ciabatta has toasted, grate over some Parmesan Cheese and grill for another 2 minutes.

Pour your Soup into a bowl, finish with a small drizzle of Cream and some extra virgin Olive Oil

Remove the Ciabatta and finish with another grating of Parmesan and serve with your spicy Soup.



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