Turkish Eggs




Greek Yogurt



Olive Oil

Smoked Paprika

Cayenne Pepper



First we want to finely dice up some chives and pop them to one side in a bowl.

Then pop 250g of Greek Yogurt into a mixing bowl and grate in a clove of Garlic.

Stir the Garlic puree into the Yogurt and leave it out to come up to room temperature.

Next, for the Butter sauce we want to add 50g of Butter to a frying pan.

Fry off the Butter until we have a Beurre noisette, so let the Butter get nice and foamy, When the foaming stops and the Butter is golden brown, add a good drizzle of extra virgin Olive oil.

Turn the heat down nice and low, add a Tsp of smoked Paprika and a Tsp of Cayenne Pepper.

Stir the spices into the Butter and pop the spiced Butter sauce to one side while we poach the Eggs.

Pop a sauce pan of water onto the hob, get it up to a very gentle simmer.

Crack your Eggs into individual bowls or mugs to make them easier to drop into the Water, and make sure you use fresh Eggs.

At this point we want to pop some Bread under the grill to toast.

Vigorously stir the Water with the end of a wooden spoon, creating a vortex, then gently, but quickly, drop in the Eggs and don’t touch them.

Keep the temperature low, don’t let the water simmer, or boil, and the Eggs will take around 2 minutes.

Once perfectly poached, remove the Eggs and lay them onto a clean dry tea towel and gently pat them dry.

Pop the Greek Yogurt into a bowl, lay in the Eggs, drizzle over the spiced Butter sauce, add a pinch of sea Salt and scatter over some of the Chives.

Remove the Toast from under the grill, and serve.



Brie, Bacon and Mango Chutney Burger


Scrambled Eggs